Stacked tea cups with hidden panda (as modeled by Maria). For your jewelry or other doodads:
Panda socks to keep your feetsies warm:
Hugging panda salt and peppper shakers for all your spicing needs (this one with a poor, broken hugging-arm):
Panda key cover to differentiate between your house key and someplace way more awesome and full of pandas:
Cozy panda hat (as modeled by Alison):
"100 Facts About Pandas," conveniently placed next to the "Cats are Weird" book:
A glimpse inside, part 1 (poorly aligned photographically): "The incorrect classification of a panda as a nut is why Adolf Hitler, a committed vegetarian, would eat panda meat once a year...":
A glimpse inside, part 2 (not as poorly aligned photographically). Click to zoom in and to check out the photo of RAD OLD PEOPLE/PANDAS:
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