Showing posts with label panda jokes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label panda jokes. Show all posts

25 February 2012

Panda wrestlers

Sent in by Maria, and also seen on Win Blog, the famous WWF Panda (World Wildlife Fund) is re-imagined as another time of WWF Panda (World Wrestling Federation):

26 August 2011

ALERT! Rogue panda on rampage

An anonymous person in Fort Valley Road, Arizona, has become my new hero. The prankster hacked a road sign, previously warning drivers about no left turns at the intersection, to instead warn of a "rogue panda on rampage." Authorities ensure us there is no rogue panda to be concerned about, but I'd keep my eye out anyway, if I were you.

Via Arizona Daily Sun.

19 September 2010

Panda Ha Ha

Loyal Panda Correspondent Trevor brings our attention to this panda silly. Normally I don't copy/paste from other sites, but this joke from Cute Overload by way of Anil Dash was too good to not share here:

"A panda walks into a restaurant, sits down, and orders a sandwich. He eats the sandwich, pulls out a gun, and shoots the waiter dead. As the panda stands up to go, the manager shouts, “Hey! Where are you going? You just shot my waiter, and you didn’t even pay for your sandwich!”

“Hey, man, I’m a PANDA!” the panda shouts back. “Look it up!”

The manager opens his dictionary and reads:

Panda: A tree-dwelling marsupial of Asian origin, characterized by distinct black and white coloring. Eats shoots and leaves."

01 September 2010

Average Panda

From my dear little sis:

"Today, my friend sent me a text that said she saw a panda horse crossing the street. Never again will i call them cows. MLIA"
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